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Citizens for Estero Bay Preservation
Vote YES on Measure A-24


To Pass Morro Bay Ballot Measure A-24

on November 2024 General Election.

PAID FOR BY:  © 2024 Citizens for Estero Bay Preservation Measure A-24 FPPC #1458339| All Rights Reserved

 * * * JOIN US * * *
First Tuesday of every month from 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Buttercup Bakery, 430 Morro Bay Blvd. Morro Bay
Get informed on the latest news, ask questions, pick up T-shirts



 City Council Meetings 

Please attend our City Council meetings on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at the 

 Veterans Memorial Building at at 209 Surf St. MB

Being present at meetings makes a real difference. 


Contact Local Politicians

Please contact our Morro Bay City Council and Staff and local California Representatives and ask them to protect our community character and our harbor and keep the Service, Recreation, Fishing and Commercial land use desig-nation for North Embarcadero and the adjacent beaches.


Post a Yard Sign


Wear a T-Shirt

around town

You CAN make a difference!


Request a Yard Sign and T-Shirt at

Written Correspondence to the City may be mailed to: 
 City of Morro Bay, Attn: Mayor and City Council, City Clerk & City Manager 
595 Harbor Street, Morro Bay, Ca 93442


Purpose Statement

The purposes of this Initiative are to: (1) protect the natural beauty, sensitivity, and intrinsic value of Morro Bay's waterfront and Embarcadero; (2) prevent the visual and physical degradation of Morro Bay's natural environment; (3) promote the health and safety of Morro Bay's residents, tourists, boaters and wildlife habitat; (4) maintain present levels of coastal access to our California Historic Landmark, Morro Rock, as well as to the Harbor, and surrounding beaches; (5) preserve Morro Bay as a world- renowned tourist destination.

Our Goal

After a seven-year process, including community input, in 2021 the City of Morro Bay re-designated the power plant property from "Industrial" to "Visitor Serving/Commercial", consistent with our updated General Plan, known as "Plan Morro Bay", and Local Coastal Plan.  Plan Morro Bay was approved and certified by the California Coastal Commission in 2021.

This revised land use designation is consistent with the city's desire to promote tourism, recreation and fishing.  It is also consistent with the goals of the California Coastal Act

Our Measure was designed the protect areas within California Coastal Zone.  To keep the City from amending the current land use designation without the approval of the citizens, "Citizens for Estero Bay Preservation A-24" accomplished the remarkable achievement of turning an Initiative into a Ballot Measure, getting almost double the signatures necessary. 

We still need to vote this Measure into law.

Protect our City.  Vote Yes on A-24!

In November, 2024, a YES vote on Ballot Measure A-24 will give the citizens of Morro Bay a CHOICE.  VOTE YES on Measure A-24 to keep the Embarcadero and our beaches open for all to enjoy.  Use your imagination to envision the ideal use for this precious coastal land.  Protect our CHOICE as a community to decide how this property should be developed. And join us so you can help spread the word.


Your Help is Needed to Protect Morro Bay:
Will You Join Us?

Your donation can truly make a world of difference and help to create a brighter future for all.

Join our group to help pass Ballot Measure A-24 in November.  It is your opportunity to make a difference

in the world around you. 


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